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A Priceless Possession

Life: A Gift from God

A Priceless Possession

Life is a precious gift, given to us by God himself. As stated in Psalm 139:14 of the WEB Bible, "I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well." This quote highlights the unique and awe-inspiring nature of human life, reminding us that we are created in God's image.

A Gift to Cherish

As a gift from God, life is something we should cherish and embrace. We have been given a limited amount of time on this earth, and it is up to us to make the most of it. We should strive to live our lives with purpose and meaning, focusing on the things that truly matter: love, compassion, and service to others.

A Gift to Defend

Life is also a gift that we must defend. Unfortunately, there are forces in the world that seek to destroy life, whether through violence, poverty, or despair. We must stand up against these forces and work to protect the sanctity of human life. By doing so, we honor the gift that God has given us and ensure that future generations will have the opportunity to experience the same precious gift.


Life is a fleeting and precious gift, a beautiful tapestry woven by the hands of God. As we navigate the challenges and joys of this earthly journey, let us always remember that our lives have purpose and meaning. Let us embrace the gift of life with gratitude, cherish it with love, and defend it with unwavering determination. For in the end, life is the greatest gift we will ever receive.
